
It’s the weekend.

It’s a time to recuperate and relax after a week of hard work.

It’s a break.

However, I feel a void and I don’t know what to do with this time. Sometimes, I spend this time with others that I wouldn’t be able to spend time with during the week. Usually, I spend my weekends watching TV (plenty of re-runs, games, and other trivial things that come on) or doing something equally uneventful. I have found that even in this designated time of break and relaxation, I find myself subject my time to other people or do nothing.

Then it’s Monday again. Back to work. And like every Monday, I hear the standard “How was your weekend?”. The standard response: “It was okay” or “It was good” or some close variation. What kind of responses are those? We should say “I did nothing” or “I watched TV all weekend”. At least that would be different (and honest). Then again, there is always that one person in the office who actually did something (usually nothing spectacular, but better than our “okay” weekend) and we just talk about what that person did for the rest of the day.

I need to reclaim my weekend. Do something for myself. All those things that I say I’m going to do, like read that one book I’ve been meaning to read for who knows how long or head to the gym or do something worthwhile that is substantial and gratifying. I know I have a list of things I always say I will do but I never seem to get around to doing them. So, when am I going to do those things? Next weekend? Next month? How about this weekend?

Let’s take back the weekend. Let’s make the weekend something substantial and gratifying. Let’s make it more than just an “okay” weekend.


Now read this

People love talking. So you should consider listening.

My best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake. # Aristotle People love talking (especially about themselves). They love talking about their problems and their life. But when someone talks, there needs to be... Continue →